This is an Oatley Electronics Shunt Regulator kit.   A very nice, simple charge controller that can be used for Wind, Solar, Hydro or any other battery charging controller needs.   

I'm not real good at soldering but this kit went together very nicely despite my disability!

CHARGE CONTROLLER KIT FOR WIND GENERATORS: This kit is designed to handle up to 300W or more. This unit combines all the necessary functions for controlling the charging of 12/24V batteries from 12/24V wind generators. It includes a 3 phase rectifier, 12/24V charge regulator, and a back EMF braking system for the wind generator when the batteries are fully charged. There is also provision for disabling the back EMF braking, but in this case an external alternative load would need to be provided.. Kit includes PCB and all on-board components. 


K241 $50.00 + shipping (shown above)

K220A  $33.00 + shipping

The K220A is the same as above but doesn't come with the 3 phase rectifiers on the right side of the board.  You simply solder 2 wires on the board for your diversion load.   The 241 can control the turbine by shutting it down when the batteries are charged or adding the same 2 wires to a diversion load either way. The K220A will only work as a diversion load controller, same as the older version K220 that I used to sell but Oatley discontinued that version.

The K220A can be used for wind, solar, hydro or any other application to maintain battery charge.

The K241 can only be used with a 3 phase alternator ( although it could be used with a single or 2 phase as well).

I had such good results from them I figured I would bring a bunch over here for other enthusiast.   If you interested in one send me an email  elenz(at)windstuffnow(dot)com

.   The instruction notes can be downloaded from oatley here Instructions download  .  These are in pdf format.